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Set up your CAN-SPAM email footer information

Last updated: February 11, 2025

Available with any of the following subscriptions, except where noted:

All products and plans

To comply with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, marketing emails must include the physical mailing address of your business and a link for contacts to manage their email subscription preferences. All marketing email campaigns sent through HubSpot are required to follow these guidelines.

Please note: in addition to CAN-SPAM, other countries may have their own laws surrounding consent for marketing email. Be sure to research and follow any other guidelines that apply to your customers.

The following office location information is required in all marketing emails sent from HubSpot:

  • Company Name
  • Company Street Address 1
  • City
  • State
  • A link to manage Email Preferences or Unsubscribe All

The HubL tokens for your company name and address will populate with the office location information from your marketing email account settings. To manage your company's office location information:

  • In your HubSpot account, click the settings settings icon in the top navigation bar. 
  • Confirm that you have the Edit Website Settings permission. Check out the user permissions guide to learn more.
  • On the left sidebar menu, navigate to Marketing Email.
  • In the Footer section, click Edit.
  • Update your company's name and address.
    • Fields marked with the * asterisk character are required.
    • If you have a Marketing Hub Enterprise account, you must also enter an office location name. Learn more about configuring multiple email footers for different offices or brands in the section below.
  • Click Save to apply your changes.

When you create a new email, you can change the language of default content of your email, which includes the Unsubscribe and Manage preferences links in the email footer.

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Email.
  • Hover over an existing marketing email and click Edit or create a new email.
  • Click the Settings tab.
  • Click the Language dropdown menu and select a language.

The subscription links in your email footer will be updated to reflect the language you selected.

Manage multiple email footers (Marketing Hub Enterprise only)

Marketing Hub Enterprise users can save multiple email footers to manage more than one brand or office location. To add a new office location:

  • Enter the required fields for your office location information, then click Create.
  • You'll see additional office locations in your Footer settings. To set a default location, click Make default.
  • To delete an email footer, click Delete. Since your office location information is required for all marketing emails, your default footer can't be deleted.

When creating a new email, you can select your office location within the email editor:

  • Click the Settings tab.
  • Use the Office location  dropdown  menu to select an office location.
  • To edit your office location for this email only, click Edit email footer contents. To update your saved office locations in your settings, click Manage to open your email settings and edit your saved email footer information.

By default, HubSpot includes HubL tokens that populate with your office location and links to your email subscription pages. These tokens are included in the Office Location Information module of all HubSpot email templates. You can also use HubL to send contacts a link to manage their subscription preferences in the body of your email.

To customize the content of your CAN-SPAM email footer, edit the Office Location Information module of your template in the design manager tool. Since email templates don't support global content, this information must be customized on a template-by-template basis.

Please note: this functionality is not available for drag and drop emails. if you're using a custom coded email template, learn how to add the required CAN-SPAM tokens in HubSpot's Designers Documentation.

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Content > Design Manager.
  • Click on an email template in the finder to select it in the editor.
  • Click on the Office location information to select this module for editing in the inspector. To edit the styling of this module, click Styling Options to expand options for the module's default fonts, colors, and spacing.

Please note: your email footer must be clearly visible to recipients. As you customize the footer's contents in the email editor, opt for a font size of 10px or larger, and confirm that the footer's color and background color contrast enough to ensure that your office location details and subscription management links are readable. If your email footer or its contents aren't clearly visible, an email validation error or warning will appear, and you won't be able to publish your email.

  • To edit your email footer content, click the Default Content section of the inspector, then click the Location text to modify the default content in in the editor.
  • After making your edits in the rich text editor, click Back to template.
  • Click Publish changes.
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